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Rabu, 11 Agustus 2010
Enough already you torturing me like this
During this time I may always think
Everything you do to me too sick
Anyway do not you approached me
Thou shalt not try to approach
During this time I may always think
Everything you do to me too sick
Anyway do not you approached me
Thou shalt not try to approach
Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010
Puspita tak percaya pada lembaga pernikahan, namun tantangan Idan untuk membuktikannya tak bisa ditolak. Maka mereka pun melakukan simulasi pernikahan.
ku sungguh-sungguh tidak mengerti kenapa orang harus menikah,” gerutuku.
Idan tertawa. “Ibumu menanyakan calonmu lagi?” Aku mengangguk cemberut.
“Apa jawaban mu kali ini?” godanya.
“Aku tidak menjawab. Aku langsung meninggalkan ruang makan dan masuk ke kamar.”
Idan terbahak. “Kau kekanak-kanakan,” katanya.
“Habis jawaban apalagi yang mesti kuberikan, Dan? Aku sudah kehabisan alasan, kehabisan stok bohong. Dan ibuku malah makin gencar menteror.”
Idan tersenyum. “Kau benar-benar seperti anak-anak. Kalau kau jadi ibumu, apa kau tidak akan blingsatan kalau anakmu belum juga menikah pada usia tiga puluh tiga.”
“Aku akan sangat gembira kalau anakku tidak menikah seumur hidupnya,” komentarku.
Alis Idan terangkat. “Kenapa?”
“Pernikahan hanya memperumit hidup perempuan.”
“Pernikahan juga membuat hidup laki-laki lebih sulit.”
“Persis!” potongku. “Untuk apa menikah kalau yang kita dapat hanya kesulitan?”
“Mungkin karena kesulitan itu hanya efek sampingnya, sementara keuntungannya lebih banyak?”
“Sok tahu,” cibirku. “Kau sendiri belum menikah. Apa yang kau tahu tentang keuntungan menikah.”
“Aku sudah cukup banyak belajar, Pit. Umurku sendiri sudah tiga puluh lima, kebanyakan teman-temanku sudah berkeluarga.”
“Tapi kau tidak! Akui sajalah. Kau setuju kan kalau hidup sudah cukup pelik tanpa perlu lagi menikah?”
Idan tersenyum. “Ya, memang.”
“Lebih enak hidup seperti ini. Bebas!”
“Setuju. Tapi ingat, aku bukan sama sekali tidak mau menikah, lho. Aku hanya masih menunggu calon yang pas.” Dan aku menghela nafas panjang.
“Ah, ya. Calon.”
“Itu kan sebenarnya alasanmu untuk tidak juga menikah?”
“Ya, ” gumamku enggan.
“Bukan karena kau sama sekali anti menikah.”
Aku menggeleng. “Jangan bilang siapa-siapa, tapi kadang-kadang aku kepingin juga digandeng seseorang saat datang ke pesta.”
“Tapi kau bisa saja bergandengan dengan salah satu pacarmu kan?”
“Gandengan pacar itu lemah. Gampang putus,” komentarku pahit. “Maksudku,
aku mau orang yang sama menggandeng tanganku ke mana pun aku pergi.”
“Apa susahnya menggaji orang yang mau menggandeng tanganmu ke mana-mana?
Ini zaman susah. Banyak pengangguran.”
“Idan!” kuayunkan tanganku, tapi —-begitu hapalnya ia dengan reaksiku ia menghindar sambil tertawa.
“Kau sadar kan kalau menikah itu lebih dari sekadar mengontrak penggandeng tetap?” tanyanya kemudian, lebih serius.
“Ya. Justru itu. Aku tidak bisa membayangkan menikah dengan orang yang salah. Kalau saja,” aku terdiam.
“Kalau saja aku bisa yakin bahwa lelaki itu akan tetap manis dan baik hati setelah ia berhasil menikahiku. Bagaimana seorang perempuan bisa tahu kalau lelaki yang merayunya ternyata suami yang payah? Yang suka memukuli, mencaci maki, Menghina; orangnya pelit, cemburuan, suka berbohong dan berkhianat.”
“Pit, laki-laki yang begitu sedikit sekali.”
Aku menggeleng. “Semua laki-laki binatang.”
“Bagaimana dengan aku? Aku laki-laki.”
“Kau bukan lelaki, Dan. Kau malaikat.”
Idan terbelalak. Didekapnya dada kirinya dan ia terkulai di kursinya.
“Idan!” desisku. “Nanti orang-orang memperhatikan kita!”
“Pit, kau sadar kalau aku belum mati? Aku harus mati dulu sebelum jadi roh dan mengajukan lamaran menjadi malaikat,” dan ia kembali terkulai, mata tertutup, lidah terjulur.
“Idan, Idan,” desahku. “Kalau kau memang mau menikah, berobatlah.”
Ia tergelak. “Dan kau. Kalau kau memang mau menikah, percayalah setidak-tidaknya pada satu orang saja dari golongan laki-laki.”
“Aku tidak bisa, Dan.”
“Berarti kau memang tidak bisa menikah. Tidak mungkin dan tidak akan.
Dan kalau kau memaksakan diri, kau akan merana. Dan kalau kau sengsara kau akan makan makin banyak. Dan kalau kau makan banyak-banyak kau akan”
“Idan!” walaupun nada suaraku keras, aku tak bisa menahan senyum mendengar pernyataan konyol itu. Setelah dua puluh tahun menjadi sahabatku, ia benar-benar telah memahamiku.
“Apa kau pernah berpikir tentang ibumu?” katanya kemudian. Seperti biasa ia bisa menjadi sangat jenaka dan kemudian serius hanya dalam selang waktu sepersekian detik. “Ia pasti sangat ingin kau segera mendapat pasangan tetap. Ia akan lebih tenang kalau tahu kau akhirnya punya seseorang yang akan menemani dan melindungimu.”
“Jangan bicara begitu,” cetusku, kembali manyun. “Satu, ini hidupku bukan hidup ibuku. Aku sedih kalau ibuku sedih. Tapi kalau suamiku berkhianat, apa ibuku mau menanggung rasa malu dan sakit hatiku? Kedua, aku tidak butuh pelindung. Kau tahu aku bisa mengurus diriku sendiri. Kalau itu yang aku butuhkan, aku bisa menggaji lebih banyak pembantu, plus bodyguard kalau perlu.”
“Baik, baik, Tuan Putri. Hamba mengaku salah,” Idan membungkuk dalam-dalam. “Jadi, dengan asumsi kau tidak sama sekali menihilkan kemungkinan menikah, apa yang ingin kau capai dengan itu?”
Aku tertunduk lemas. “Itulah, Dan,” desahku. “Aku tidak tahu. Apalagi yang aku butuhkan saat ini? Aku punya pekerjaan dengan masa depan yang lumayan. Jadi menikah untuk alasan ekonomi jelas-jelas bukan pilihan untukku. Aku punya teman-teman diskusi, sahabat untuk berbagi, jadi kesepian juga bukan alasan bagiku untuk menikah.”
“Bagaimana dengan keturunan?”
“Anak? Apa aku harus menikah untuk punya anak? Aku bisa mengadopsi bayi, kan? Di luar sana banyak anak-anak yang tidak diinginkan orang tuanya.
Kalau aku mau, aku bisa mengasuh satu, dua atau bahkan tiga dari mereka. Jadi tolong, jelaskan kenapa aku harus menikah, mempertaruhkan diriku sendiri, mengambil risiko dilukai lahir dan atau batin. Tak ada kepastian sama sekali bahwa pernikahan itu akan bertahan sepanjang hidupku. Disamping itu, kalau pernikahan itu hancur di tengah jalan, aku akan jadi pihak yang paling besar menanggung kerugian. Kenapa, Dan?
Untuk apa?”
Idan termenung agak lama. Akhirnya ia menjawab. “Cinta mungkin?”
“Kau terlalu banyak menonton film romantis ,” olokku. “Kau tahu berapa lama cinta bertahan dalam suatu pernikahan?”
“Berapa lama?”
“Satu sampai tiga bulan. Setelah itu, toleransi, kompromi, frustrasi dan imajinasi.”
“Kalau kau terjebak di dalam penjara dengan lelaki yang kau benci sekaligus yang kau tahu membencimu, kau harus membayangkan menikah dengan Richard Gere atau kau bisa jadi gila.”
Senin, 02 Agustus 2010
Banda Sail Peak 2010 event was held this morning in Ambon enlivened by a dozen sailing ships pass by.
Dozens of ships that pass in sequence in front of the top event in the port of Ambon.
Ships among some Navy warships Indonesia, the Police, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Communications, SAR, Artha Graha Group, Singapore, and Australian owned vessels.
There were ships of war, ship navigation, a research ship, the ship's command, and so forth. Behind a dozen boats still exist a number yacth from various countries who enliven the event.
Peak of the event which was attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, several ministers, governors, local officials and the community took place in cloudy weather and drizzling rain.
According to data of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the nine newly-built hotels and even some not yet officially have achieved 100% occupancy.
This event is also expected to boost the economy currently growing Maluku 5.4%. At the peak of the riots a few years ago, economic growth had slumped to minus Maluku 26%.
Dozens of ships that pass in sequence in front of the top event in the port of Ambon.
Ships among some Navy warships Indonesia, the Police, Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Ministry of Communications, SAR, Artha Graha Group, Singapore, and Australian owned vessels.
There were ships of war, ship navigation, a research ship, the ship's command, and so forth. Behind a dozen boats still exist a number yacth from various countries who enliven the event.
Peak of the event which was attended by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, several ministers, governors, local officials and the community took place in cloudy weather and drizzling rain.
According to data of Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, the nine newly-built hotels and even some not yet officially have achieved 100% occupancy.
This event is also expected to boost the economy currently growing Maluku 5.4%. At the peak of the riots a few years ago, economic growth had slumped to minus Maluku 26%.
Minggu, 01 Agustus 2010
The devastating floods in Pakistan have killed more 1,100 people, Pakistani government officials told CNN on Sunday.
Branching out to the music video world and helping her new love interest out at the same time, Emma Watson recently filmed “Say You Don’t Want It” in New York City.
Happily showing off her new main squeeze, Jessica Simpson has taken to Twitter to post a shot of herself and boyfriend Eric Johnson sharing a sweet smooch.
Afrikaans - Veels geluk met jou verjaarsdag!
Albanian - Urime ditelindjen!
Alsatian - Gueter geburtsdaa!
Amharic - Melkam lidet!
Albanian - Urime ditelindjen!
Alsatian - Gueter geburtsdaa!
Amharic - Melkam lidet!
Zac Efron and the rest of the crew behind "Charlie St. Cloud" want their movie to be weepy, soulful, inspirational, cathartic, ethereal, life-affirming and who knows what else on the New Age emotional barometer.
Too bad they didn't aim to make it a little interesting.This melodrama about a young man who puts his life in stasis after his kid brother's death is a bore, despite a somewhat clever twist — somewhat because it momentarily jolts the story out of the doldrums before the movie settles back to sleep.
Adapted by director Burr Steers and screenwriters Craig Pearce and Lewis Colick from Ben Sherwood's novel "The Death and Life of Charlie St. Cloud," the movie deals with the biggest of issues — why are we here, where are we bound? — with the blandest of greeting-card sentiments.
While Efron aims to show he's more than just a "High School Musical" heartthrob, he's vacuous in the title role here, sleepwalking through what's meant to be a journey from the deepest despair toward new hope.
Efron's Charlie has everything going his way in his Pacific Northwest hometown. He's a master yachtsman about to graduate from high school and head off to college with a sailing scholarship. His female classmates swoon at the sight of him. He's best friend, idol and father figure to his young brother, Sam (Charlie Tahan).
Then Sam dies in a terrible accident, while Charlie is revived after a near-death experience that leaves him seeing dead people — not in a creepy "The Sixth Sense" manner but in an everyday, how's-your-afterlife-going sort of way.
He sees dead people
Five years later, Charlie's stuck in limbo, working as the caretaker at the cemetery where Sam is buried and still looking after his little brother, who keeps popping up from beyond to hang out.
Five years later, Charlie's stuck in limbo, working as the caretaker at the cemetery where Sam is buried and still looking after his little brother, who keeps popping up from beyond to hang out.
What could ever shock Charlie back to life? Why, the love of a fine woman, of course.
Just as she's about to head off on a 'round-the-world solo sailing race, Charlie's high school classmate Tess Carroll (Amanda Crew) comes back into his world, rekindling his interest in living people, the sea and everything else for which he once had a passion.
The surprise turn in the plot initially leaves hope for something better than a predictable Hollywood ending. But if you give any thought to that little twist, it makes no sense, even within a story where a guy chats with dead folks. So best not to give it any thought.
Kim Basinger and Ray Liotta appear in oddly fleeting roles — she as Charlie and Sam's single mom, he as a paramedic who revived Charlie and asks him the Big Question — why'd you get to come back, kid?
Donal Logue also is on hand for a meager part as Tess' sailing coach, an insignificant character except for his silly name — Tink Weatherbee.
Steers, who made the decent teen tale "Igby Goes Down" and also directed Efron in the piffling comedy "17 Again," does a nice job putting some soul in the scenery, even if he can't manage the same for the characters. The sailing images are lovely, the seascape is bleakly beautiful, and the town is pretty as a postcard.
Efron certainly looks pretty, too, and since he's there for almost every frame of "Charlie St. Cloud," maybe that's enough for his young fans, even if no one's home behind Charlie's cloudy eyes.
A death erection (sometimes referred to as "angel lust") is a post-mortem erection which occurs when a male individual dies vertically or face-down with the cadaver remaining in this position.
According to sources Jennifer Lopez has been tapped as the newest judge on the television show American Idol. That is, according to some online reports.
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010
The troubled star surrendered in court this morning to begin serving a three-month sentence for violating the probation terms of her 2007 DUI conviction.
Max is a lonely child who creates a dreamworld named Planet Drool, where all of his imagination and dreams come to life. He creates two characters: Sharkboy (who was raised by is sharks and his dad) and Lavagirl (who can produce fire and lava, but has trouble touching objects without setting them alight).
Max is a lonely child who creates a dreamworld named Planet Drool, where all of his imagination and dreams come to life. He creates two characters: Sharkboy (who was raised by is sharks and his dad) and Lavagirl (who can produce fire and lava, but has trouble touching objects without setting them alight).
Los Angeles An exciting action photos show actress Angelina Jolie who has not been released, is now in circulation. In the photo, Jolie appeared topless and was smoking.
A large hole that appeared after a tropical storm in the city of Guatemala has been scaring people. But the hole that swallowed the whole part of the crossing was interesting geologist.
born March 14, 1879, Ulm, Württemberg, Ger.—died April 18, 1955, Princeton, N.J., U.S.) German-born physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921 for his explanation of the photoelectric effect. Einstein is generally considered the most influential physicist of the 20th century.
Born November 6, 1970, in Austin, Texas. Hawke's mother was only 17 and his father only 18 when he was born; they divorced four years later and Hawke moved around a good deal with his mother, Leslie, before they settled in New Jersey when he was 10. The adolescent Hawke’s appearance in a Princeton University theater production led to an audition for his feature debut, the teen adventure flop Explorers (1985), with fellow fledgling actor River Phoenix. He began attending Carnegie-Mellon University in Pittsburgh, but left school when he was cast in Peter Weir's prep-school drama Dead Poet’s Society (1989).
Born in Evanston, Illinois, on June 28, 1966. The fourth of five children, including actress Joan Cusack, born to a math-teacher mother and a filmmaker-actor father. Cusack joined the Piven Theatre Workshop at the age of 8 and had become one of Chicago's busiest commercial voiceover actors by the age of 12.
Nov. 11, 1974, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.) American actor and producer, who emerged in the 1990s as one of Hollywood's leading performers, noted for his portrayals of unconventional and complex characters.
DiCaprio first acted at age five, performing on the children's television show Romper Room, and, as a teenager, he made numerous commercials and educational films. In 1990 he began appearing on a series of television shows, including The New Lassie and Roseanne, and in 1991 he was cast in a recurring role on Growing Pains. That year DiCaprio also made his big-screen debut in Critters 3, a low-budget horror film.
Robert Thomas Pattinson on May 13, 1986, in London, England. Pattinson is the youngest of three children and the only son born to Robert and Clare Pattinson. During his childhood his father ran a car importing business and his mother worked for a modeling agency.
Despite his sometimes shy personality, Pattinson wanted to be a performer from an early age; first as a musician like his older sister Lizzy Pattinson.
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